Commercial Advisory Support in Tendering Practices

In line with the advisability, and the value, of simplicity, it is frequently the case that an unnecessarily high volume of qualifications are included in bid documentation. This is particularly so in the case of those large organisations with a detailed internal protocol for responding to tenders.

This plethora of generic conditions that are of little commercial significance not only generates little value for either side of the negotiation, it often obscures true priorities, along with eroding the attractiveness of a bid.

Accurate and savvy prioritisation of conditions, on the other hand, supports those objectives associated with timeliness, cost and profitability, and provides a sound platform for future budgetary, energetic and resource investment.

Accurate and savvy prioritisation of conditions, on the other hand, supports those objectives associated with timeliness, cost and profitability, and provides a sound platform for future budgetary, energetic and resource investment.